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Dogs that struggle with their confidence aren’t just harder to train; their quality of life suffers, too. There are a few tricks to overcome this issue.
Here’s how to build your dog’s confidence
Just like humans, your dog’s sense of self-worth can be impacted by factors from his personality or a lack of socialization to stressful situations and past abuse. If your pet is wary when it comes to new situations, chances are he’s suffering from low confidence. Not only does a lack of self-esteem interfere with Fido’s quality of life, but it can lead to problems training your dog and other behavioral issues. Here are a few tips to help boost your pet’s self-esteem:
Start simple: One tell-tale sign your dog is suffering from poor confidence is balking when he’s asked to learn something new. Low self-esteem makes training harder, so start with simple commands that will boost your pup’s confidence. Always use the same command for the same trick and be sure to lavish your pet with praise every time he gets the trick right. Practice often, and eventually you can move on to more difficult types of training like bath time.
Stay positive: Dogs suffering from poor confidence already feel doubtful, so it’s important to avoid negative corrections whenever possible with your pet. Instead, focus on praising him for the things he does right. If your dog is afraid of new places, for example, don’t scold him for stopping mid-route on a walk; instead, praise him for taking a few steps forward. Dogs are experts at picking up on our emotions, so try not to show your frustration when working with a timid pet.
Give your pet something good to remember: Every time you form positive associations with something that causes your pet fear, you take part of that fear away. Whether it’s offering a treat after he successfully performs a trick or playing with his favorite toy during an outing to a new location, you can help your pet overcome his anxiety by giving him something good to remember after facing a scary event.
If you’re not sure whether your dog is suffering from low confidence, look for signs such as following you obsessively, standing between you and an unfamiliar person, heavy panting or drooling in a new situation, and pacing or chewing at his tail or paws. Consider whether any changes in his environment may have triggered your dog’s stress, or if a past experience has shaped his anxiety. Once you’ve discovered the root of his fearfulness, you can begin working slowly and consistently with your pet to expose him to small amounts of the stressor, using positive reinforcement to work up to more intense versions of this trigger over time.
Dog owners have long suspected that their pets can sense what they’re feeling. Now, research is backing up what pet parents have long known.
Dog owners have long believed their pets can pick up on their feelings, but this was just a theory until recently. Thanks to animal behavior experts, we now know once and for all that our canine companions are, in fact, masters when it comes to sensing human emotions.
Just like us, dogs are highly social creatures. They live in tight-knit family groups and have a strong instinct when it comes to protecting and being loyal to their social circles. Just like us, too, our canine companions use a complex series of body language, facial expressions and vocalizations to communicate with other members of their species. It’s no surprise, then, that when early dogs and humans began interacting, our four-legged counterparts were able to hone in on their ability to anticipate our thoughts and feelings. In reward for this intuitive bond, dogs were given more opportunities to receive food, shelter and affection that humans provide.
Our dogs spend a great deal of time watching us, so it’s no wonder they’ve learn to look for cues about how we feel—especially when a good mood can mean extra playtime and cuddles, while a bad mood might be good reason for Fido to hide. Our pets use more than sight to determine how we’re feeling, though. With his astounding sense of hearing, your pet easily picks up on the tone of your voice. Even more impressive, dogs actually use their sense of smell to pets pick up on some emotions, such as fear, or illnesses, which can show up as chemical changes in the breath or sweat.
In experiment by researchers at the University of Lincoln and University of Sao Paulo, a team of animal behavior experts and psychologists presented 17 untrained, domesticated dogs with images and sounds that conveyed either positive or negative emotional expressions in both humans and dogs. They found that dogs spent much longer looking at the facial expressions that matched with the emotional state of the vocalization, whether the subject was human or canine. This evidence seems to back what pet parents have long known: That by looking and listening, our companions are keenly tapped into our emotions. And when Fido feels what you feel, you’re sure to share a strong bond.
Setting clear boundaries for your dog is very important. On this article, you'll find some helpful tips.
We all love our canine companions, but sometimes Fido jumps on the furniture, bolts through the front door or engages in other problem behavior. Setting clear boundaries for your dog teaches him what is and is not acceptable, not only strengthening the bond your share with your pet, but keeping him out of harm’s way.
When setting boundaries for your pet, the first step is to clearly establish your own space. If you watch dogs interacting with their fellow four-legged friends, you’ll notice each animal asserts his physical space through use of his body language. A dog claiming his food bowl may stand over it, for example, and canines will simply push each other out of the way to claim space another animal occupies. Do the same with your pet by blocking access to a doorway with your body or standing over a morsel he should not eat on a walk, for example. This will teach him boundaries in a way he clearly understands.
Asserting your space will also help your pet respect you as his pack leader. Dogs are social by nature and look to their leaders for guidance and safety. While there are many ways to establish yourself as the leader, one good example is making Fido wait: to enter a room, to eat, and even on walks. While this may sound like tough love to some, teaching your dog to walk beside, rather than in front of, you and to wait for you to enter a room ahead of him provides a clear structure he can understand. When he knows you have control over a situation, your dog will trust your commands.
Learning the ropes takes time, of course, and you should be patient with your pet as you establish boundaries. To help the process along, be sure to provide consistent instructions at the right time. Don’t scold your dog minutes after he bolts through the front door, for example, but instead, give him a firm “No!” as soon as he begins running for the entryway. Don’t wait until Fido is gnawing on something he picked up off the street to command him to “Drop it,” but instead, give the order as soon as you notice him going for the offending morsel. Use consistent commands and never bend the rules once you’ve established them, which includes having other members of your household do the same. With some practice, your pet will learn which behaviors earn your approval and which are better left undone.
Setting boundaries is an important part of training your pet. Not only does establishing yourself as your dog’s trusted leader strengthen the bond you share, but having a pet that listens to your commands will help keep Fido out of harm’s way and maintain a peaceful home.
Most dogs dive nose-first into dinner, but for some peculiar pets, carrying their kibble to a different spot becomes a habit. If your pet is part of this pack, there are several possible causes underlying his behavior:
Pack mentality: Before they were domesticated, dogs ran in packs. For more subordinate members, this meant stiff competition surrounding meals. To avoid fighting with more dominant pack members, outranked dogs would carry their food out of sight. Some domesticated pets still carry this pack mentality today, but you can help ease Fido’s food anxiety by feeding your dogs separately in multi-pet households or crating your pet during mealtime to prevent him from carrying his food away.
Separation anxiety: As pack animals, dogs are also social creatures. Some prefer to eat with their humans and, if fed in a separate room, will develop a habit of carrying their kibble to be closer to the family. To remedy this behavior, simply arrange your dog’s meals so you’ll be home during dinnertime and feed him in the same room you’ll be occupying.
Heavy metal: If you have metal food bowls, you’ve likely noticed the sound kibble makes when it hits the dish. This noise—and even the sound of his tags hitting a metal food bowl—can startle your pet and lead to anxiety about eating directly from the dish. If your dog seems to be carrying his kibble away because of these metallic clinks, try swapping his metal dish for a heavy plastic food bowl.
Creating a cache: Wild dogs couldn’t always rely on a regular meal, so your pet may be tapping into his survival instincts by creating a cache of food. If you find Fido’s kibble or treats in unusual spots, he’s probably saving them for later. To prevent this behavior, make sure you don’t overfeed your pet and keep him confined to one room or area during mealtimes.
When offered a tasty treat, many dogs will also carry it away to a different spot or room for consumption. While this may seem offensive to some owners, your pet is simply acting on his instincts. Protecting a high-value resource—in this case, a rawhide bone or other tasty morsel—helped your pet’s ancestors survive. The tastier the treat, the more likely your dog is to hide it away from competitors, so you can consider it a compliment the next time Fido runs away with his reward.
When dogs meet, they greet each other face-to-face, but this can become a problem when your companion greets people the same away. Though it comes naturally to our pets, jumping up on people can leave them with scratches and bruises and poses a serious threat to children and frail adults. Fortunately, with some training, you can change your pet’s high-flying behavior.
While most people know they shouldn’t encourage dogs to jump, this knowledge seems to go the window when a cute puppy is involved. While it’s harmless for a young pup, jumping up on people can create problems later in life when dogs are fully grown. While it’s best to train your pet not to jump from an early age, even adult dogs can learn to keep their feet on the floor.
The first step to stopping your pet from jumping is to remove any opportunities to do so. If you know you’re having guests over for dinner, try crating your dog, putting him in a separate room, or readying him on a leash before they arrive. If your pet jumps on you at the door, go back out immediately and try again until he corrects the behavior. This way, Fido has no chance to jump on people while he’s still learning the ropes. Next, teach your dog to stop jumping during greetings by taking away the thing he wants most: attention. By ignoring your pet when he jumps on you, he will soon learn that the best way to earn your affection is keeping all four feet on the ground. Do not push your dog away or engage him at all, but instead, fold your arms across your chest or walk away. Delay your greeting until your pet is calm, with all paws the ground, and then lavish him with attention and praise.
To help with training, keep your greetings low-key. Showering your pet with too much affection will only rile him up and contribute to the problem. If your dog jumps on you or your guests when you come in the door, go back out immediately and try again. With repetition, he will understand the only way to get attention is to stay grounded. You can also try teaching your dog an alternative behavior, such as sitting, to stop him from jumping. Consistency is key when teaching a pet not to jump, so be sure everyone in your household follows the rules. With some practice, you should have a well-mannered pet to greet you every day.
Dogs are territorial by nature and nothing says, “I’m here,” like marking a tree, fire hydrant or fence post with their unique scents. For male dogs, and even some females, urinating is an easy way to spread this scent. The smell communicates all sorts of information to canine passersby, from the gender of the dog that marked to whether that dog was stressed, healthy or in heat. This is not surprising given canines’ powerful noses, but still doesn’t answer the question: Why do some dogs lift their legs to pee?
Several theories attempt to explain why Fido raises his leg while he marks. One posits that a dog lifts his leg because this allows him to spread his urine higher, where other dogs are more likely to smell it and where the breeze can more easily spread the scent. Marking higher may also preserve a dog’s scent for longer since other dogs are less likely to reach the same level and “overmark” your pet’s handiwork. This explains why some small dogs become acrobatic experts, balancing on their front feet to mark as high as their larger peers. Likewise, researchers have found that dogs lower on the pecking order tend to sniff, but not pee over, another dog’s mark. Other theories posit that lifting his leg is simply a practical behavior your pet uses to help him avoid a messy encounter.
Though many male dogs lift their legs while marking, there’s no need to worry if your pet doesn’t. Most males pick up the behavior between six months and one year old through watching older dogs, but some never develop the habit. This is especially true for puppies that were not raised with older males around or dogs that have been neutered. Likewise, while many female dogs squat to do their business, some urinate with a raised leg, too. Every canine has his or her own preference and your pet’s unique habits should be no cause for concern. If, however, your dog suddenly changes his leg-lifting behavior, this could be a sign something’s wrong. Sudden changes in behavior can indicate an underlying medical condition, such as arthritis or urinary incontinence, is causing your pet discomfort. If you notice a shift in Fido’s favored peeing position, take him to the vet for blood work to identify the problem, if one exists.
It can seem like a nuisance, but to our canine companions, licking you is most often a sign of affection. While it is a healthy behavior, licking can also indicate something’s wrong with your pet, making it important to pay attention when Fido’s lavishing you with a few too many kisses.
Licking comes naturally to our canine companions. A mother dog licks her pups during grooming, making this a form of affectionate interaction from the start of your pet’s life. Puppies will lick their mothers to draw their attention, too, and your dog may likewise lick you to get your attention and say “hello.” This sort of affectionate licking not only releases endorphins that make your dog feel good, but can help calm and comfort him. The behavior also can be used to indicate social rank, however. Dogs are pack animals by nature and lower-ranking individuals sometimes lick their superiors as an appeasing gesture, often in hopes of being offered communal prey. Your domesticated pet may lick you as an appeasing gesture, too, since you are his superior in the “pack.” Dogs will also use their tongues to tell you the water bowl is empty, they need to go outside, or to communicate some other message. Licking can help heal wounds, too, as canine saliva carries enzymes that help kill bacteria and a good licking can help clean out dirt from an injury. Finally, some dogs simply like the taste of salty skin or are sampling the food particles leftover after cooking.
Because licking is often an attention-grabbing behavior, your pet may learn to incorporate it more and more into his daily routine. While his kisses are generally a sign of affection, you pet can become annoying if he’s offering too many. To discourage slobbery behavior, simply ignore your pet or move to another room when he starts to lick you. If he begins licking while you’re petting him, stop immediately and walk away. With some time, your pet should learn that licking does not get him the attention he wants and will curb the behavior.
Though licking is a healthy habit, there are cases where it becomes a compulsive behavior indicating something is wrong. Obsessive licking can be a sign your dog is suffering from anxiety, boredom, pain or even skin allergies. If your he begins compulsively kissing, ensure your pet is getting plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. If the behavior continues, take him to the vet to rule out allergies or any other physical ailments. If anxiety is the source of his licking behavior, a canine behaviorist or certified dog trainer can help alter your dog’s actions to help him live a happier life.
Who doesn't love the 4th of July? From the food to the fireworks, Independence Day is fun for the whole family - at least the human family. To pets, the 4th of July can be confusing and terrifying. While humans associate fireworks with spectacle and celebrations, cats and dogs see and hear them as nothing more than sudden loud noises. Holidays for humans can involve inviting new friends and family members into their homes; to a pet, this might feel like an invasion of privacy. A few adjustments to your holiday celebrations can make sure that the day is fun for both pets and their owners.
For most household companions, cat and canine alike, fireworks pose the biggest source of fear on the 4th of July. Humans like the spectacle of bright colours and lights, anticipating the bang as they explode high up in the air, but to a dog or a cat, it can be very sudden and frightening. Some pets completely ignore fireworks, but others find them extremely distressing. Fortunately for both you and your furry friends, there are lots of simple ways to reduce your pet's stress levels during firework season.
1) Keep your pet inside. If your cat is normally an outdoor cat, make sure the outside doors and cat-flaps are closed and that they have access to an indoor litter box. Take your dog for a walk long before the fireworks are due to start. If guests are going in and out of the house frequently, make sure doors are shut firmly to make sure your pet can't escape, and ensure your pet is microchipped and tagged in the event that they do escape.
2) Make sure there is a safe space for your pet. Dogs might seek out a place to hide under a piece of furniture - if you know where that may be, put comforting objects like their favourite toys or a piece of clothing that smells like you there ahead of time. A cat might find their own safe space, but if you know of a favourite place they like to hide ensure that it's not blocked off when the fireworks start so they can hide as soon as they need to. Don't try to coax them out - it will only make them more anxious.
3) Close the curtains and turn on the television or radio. This will help to block out the sound and lights from the fireworks. Your pet will still hear the loud noises from outside but they'll be muffled by a noise they're very used to - human voice.
4) Let your pet move around if they want to. Pacing and circling is a common stress behaviour in dogs - they might be restless or looking for a place to hide. Restricting this movement will only make them more afraid.
5) Act natural. Try to show your pet that you aren't reacting fearfully to the fireworks, so neither should they.
Another thoroughly enjoyable part of celebrating Independence Day for human beings and animals alike is the food. It's hard to resist the temptation to sneak a treat from the table to feed your pooch when they hit you with the puppy eyes. Unfortunately for both dogs and cats, there are quite a few foods that you might be preparing around the 4th of July that can be harmful to them. Grapes, raisins, onions, avocados and chocolate are some foods to both dogs and cats. If your celebrations involve alcohol, keep it far away from pets as all kinds of alcoholic drinks can cause serious inebriation due to their comparatively smaller size and lack of tolerance to alcohol.
To prevent your pets accidentally eating something they shouldn't be, keep the food away from the pets and the pets away from the food. Make sure plates and bowls of food remain out of reach on a worksurface or table and keep a close eye on inquisitive cats. Shut your pets indoors if you're barbecuing or in a room separate from where the food is being prepared and served, far away from anything they could accidentally eat that could do them harm.
As nice as the idea might be to include your pets in celebrating the birthday of America, their safety comes first. Keeping them calm and healthy is your best bet for ensuring everyone, human and animal alike, has a enjoyable day.