The Greedy Cat Flea

What is a flea?
The answer is manifold. As you probably already know, there are plenty of different kinds of fleas. Many are named for the hosts that they prey upon: Rabbit, Dog, and Deer Fleas, etc. However, as we’ve already learned, knowledge of your enemies is of paramount importance in the ongoing struggle against parasites. So it’s time to get down to specifics. If there is one sort that gives people and pets more trouble than any other, it is undoubtedly the Cat Flea. If you’ve ever had to deal with a pet parasite infestation, you’ve more than likely come up against this tiny terror.
So what do fleas do?

In interesting name choice there. The scientists in charge of classification must have gotten lazy that day.
Cat Flea Characteristics

The major differences are in the whisker-like spines on and around their heads as well as a vertical compression, (in addition to the universally present lateral compression that allows all fleas to slip as they please through feathers and fur with equivalent ease). On an unrelated note, that last rhyme was entirely coincidental and unplanned, though whimsically pleasing to the ear. A certain amount of whimsy is a much-needed element when discussing a subject as disturbing as bloodsucking parasites, so it seems like a good spot to end the discussion.
Remember that while fleas can differ greatly between species, treatment is nearly always the same. Prevention is the best policy and nothing beats high quality pet medications. Grab yours today!